Kinnoull Hill

Visiting Kinnoull Hill while in Perth promises a delightful escape into nature's embrace. Just a short distance from the heart of the city, this local gem offers a serene respite from urban life. As you ascend the trails weaving through the lush woodland, the anticipation builds, leading to the grand reveal at the summit. Atop Kinnoull Hill, the panoramic views are nothing short of breathtaking. The meandering River Tay, the city of Perth below, and the surrounding countryside unfold in a picturesque tableau. The iconic Kinnoull Tower, a 19th-century folly, adds a touch of historical charm to the landscape. Whether you opt for a leisurely stroll along well-marked paths or a more challenging hike, Kinnoull Hill caters to all levels of outdoor enthusiasts. It's a perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in nature, soak in the beauty of the Scottish landscape, and gain a unique perspective of Perth and its surroundings.


E-Bike Hire and Tour

