Sustainability at Bachilton

At Bachilton Farm it’s genuinely important to us that we minimise our impact on the natural environment. As a team we are exploring all parts of the business to ensure we are working in the most economical and environmental ways to improve the business. We realise there will always be more we can do for the environment so through our appointed ‘green team’ we will can continually look for new initiatives.

What do we do?

  • Wherever possible we use local suppliers fulfilling a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

  • Reduce Reuse Recycle.

  • Minimise our waste.

  • Monitor closely different areas of the business to see where continual improvements can be made; water, electricity, waste, emissions

  • Raise awareness to staff and clients alike and encourage participation in our sustainable practises

  • Use renewable energy sources such as solar panels and rain water harvesting

  • Where possible switch our lighting to more energy efficient bulbs and fixtures

  • Keep a nature diary so we can become more aware of the environment around us

  • Maintain and improve wild habitat on the farm increasing biodiversity.

Perth & Kinross Countryside Trust

We donate £1 from each accommodation booking towards Perthshire Big Tree Country.  This is part of Perth & Kinross Countryside Trust an independent charity that negotiates access to land, builds footpaths, helps care for  Scotland’s most spectacular woodlands and trees and works on conservation projects all to improve and promote access to the countryside for walkers, cyclists and horse riders. If you'd like to match our donation or donate your own amount just let us know!